CPP Published Study: Intervening After Trauma: Child–Parent Psychotherapy Treatment Is Associated With Lower Pediatric Epigenetic Age Acceleration
We are writing with some very exciting news. At long last, the results of a study showing that CPP reduces the impact of trauma on cellular aging has been published.
You can find out more by:
Reading the published study: Intervening After Trauma: Child–Parent Psychotherapy Treatment Is Associated with Lower Pediatric Epigenetic Age Acceleration
Viewing an infographic that summarizes the study findings
Reading the UCSF Health article providing the context for the findings: Child-Parent Therapy Has Biological Benefits for Traumatized Kids: UCSF study is the first to show Child-Parent Psychotherapy may slow down biological aging in children who have experienced trauma.
News outlets are also beginning to share information about these important findings
KQED: Bay Area Study Finds Early Childhood Trauma Therapy Can Prevent Serious Disease
Special thanks to Allie Sullivan and Nicki Bush as well as to all the therapists and researchers who partnered in conducting this study.
Please celebrate with us and share the news!