Hawaiʻi IECMH Clinicians Listing

As a resource to our community, AIMH HI would like to provide a listing of up-to-date mental health clinicians practicing in the State of Hawaiʻi. We want there to be a place for families or providers from Hawaiʻi to find local clinicians.

Each clinician listed is providing IECMH-informed services and holds at least one of the following qualifications: Endorsed in I/ECMH, provides a model of dyadic therapy (e.g. ABC, CPP), and/or is trained and uses the DC:0-5 as their diagnostic tool.

This listing is updated annually.

Name: Erika Warner

Email: erika@aimhhi.org

Trainings offered: IMH, RS/C, other trainings available

Location: O'ahu (in person), other islands (virtual service available)

Website: www.reflect-connect.com

Specialty: Child Parent Psychotherapy for families with children 0-5 who have experienced separation, loss, grief or any other stressors. Pregnant women are also welcome. Individual therapy for adults with a focus on intergenerational patterns and parenting stress, anxiety or depression.

Endorsement®: IMH Mentor - Clinical

Dyadic Models Provided: Child Parent Psychotherapy

Uses DC:0-5: Yes.

Name: Dr. Jamie Taylor

Email: moody.jamiea@gmail.com

Location: Oahu, with virtual services available

Website: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/jamie-taylor-honolulu-hi/485756

Specialty: Psychological Evaluations, Psychotherapy, Consultations.

Uses DC:0-5: Yes

Interested in being listed? Fill out the google form below, and we’ll review your information! We’ll notify you if your information is posted on our site. If you need to make any changes to your listing at any time, or if you have any questions, please reach out to hide@aimhhi.org.