How you can get involved.
Make a donation.
AIMH HI appreciates your support and contribution towards promoting healthy, first relationships for keiki and families in Hawaiʻi.
Become a Member
Our members get access to more resources, stay up to date on announcements, and attend AIMH HI events at a reduced cost.
We are always looking to build our neighborhood of Infant and Early Childhood friends who want to share their skill sets with AIMH HI! Volunteer with us today - we have many committees and workgroups that could use your support.
Contact us to see where you can join in the movement.
Become a Trainer
AIMH HI is looking for people who have a solid understanding of IECMH to partner with us in providing training and other support that is needed for IECMH professionals in Hawaiʻi. Does this catch your interest? Want to learn more? Please complete this form and you will be contacted by an AIMH HI staff member to continue the conversation. We look forward to partnering with you to support the mental health of Hawaiʻi’s youngest.
Active/current membership with AIMH HI or another AIMH within the Alliance network.
Infant and/or Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement
A Promising Minds fellow OR have a degree in a mental health and/or related field along with the completion and an interview with AIMH HI staff and subsequent offer to train.
A minimum of 2 years experience working with infants, young children and their families.
Previous experience in conducting professional development and using various methods of curriculum delivery or be willing to experience mentorship from seasoned AIMH HI trainers.
Signed Agreement to read, and conduct training as laid out in the Preparing Competency-Based Learning for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health EndorsementⓇ: Training Guide and Self-Assessment.
Signed AIMH HI trainer code of Practice

Contact us.
Reach out to our AIMH HI team for questions or ways to be involved.
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