The Fellows Program
2024 Consultation Intensive Fellows
The 2024 Consultation Intensive Fellows Program is currently underway!
Click the flyers below to learn more.
We're looking to grow our neighborhood.
Apply to the Fellows Program - Foundations in Infant Mental Health, today!
For questions, please contact professionaldevelopment@aimhhi.org
The Hawaiʻi Community Foundation in partnership with the Association for Infant Mental in Hawaiʻi (AIMH HI) would like to introduce you to the Promising Minds Fellows Program. Hawaiʻi Community Foundation (HCF) is the driving force behind the Promising Minds Initiative (PMI), which aims to increase healthy child development in social, emotional, and academic readiness by setting foundations in early childhood behavioral health. AIMH HI and HCF have been partners in the common goal of ensuring that children are healthy and ready to learn. The Fellows are a critical part of that goal!
The Promising Minds Fellows Program has two objectives:
Increase the proficiency and confidence of professionals who work with infants, young children, and their families.
Grow the number of infant and early childhood mental health consultants that serve as a direct resource for those families and their communities.
The Promising Minds Fellows Program is a capacity building and professional development initiative to help Hawai’i build a sustainable and thriving system and network in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH).
Since 2020, AIMH HI has mentored over 50 professionals in the infant and early childhood sector.
Infant Early Childhood Mental Health professionals are found in a variety of settings - and so do our Fellows! Professionals from across disciplines in fields that connect to infants, young children and their families are invited to participate in this learning community.
Our History
AIMH HI is a local, non-profit that is the go-to resource for sharing expertise and advancing practices that ensure Hawaii’s youngest keiki grow up emotionally healthy and resilient.
Hawaii Community Foundation is a local, non-profit that helps people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every Island community.
This project is funded through the generosity of the Promising Minds Initiative of the Hawaii Community Foundation.
What Fellows said about their experience:
“Resources over-all have been extremely helpful, especially for someone new to the IMH field. RSC groups were an amazing support, especially during individual sessions. The Fellows year went by incredibly fast!”
“The sense of community between us all was powerful. The support through RSC groups and connecting monthly with all of us made me feel like I was not alone in this field. I also found the opportunity to practice the skills we were taught to be very helpful. As the fellowship came to an end, I left with a full cup, and I feel I was taught and encouraged to know how to and find ways to continue to fill my cup up. Thank you for a wonderful experience!”
Take a look at Promising Minds fellows Cohort 1 on graduation day!
Our Purpose
To build an empowered and supported network of professionals who lead the field in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health in Hawaii
The Fellows Program is tied to the Competencies® for Infant Mental Health as set forth by the Alliance for the Advancement for Infant Mental Health.
For more information, please contact us.